How to Create Creative Accountability in Three Simple Steps

I Said “Simple,” Not Easy

Billy Frazier
5 min readSep 3, 2021


Accountability is about as sexy as that last pair of underwear you shimmy into right before you desperately need to do laundry.

The thing is, it’s also just as important, if not more so and everyone seems to be much more open about it. All you have to do is Google “accountability” and you’ll be inundated with articles, blog posts, an ads for software that promises you’ll have your “most productive year yet!”

I tend to be fairly skeptical when it comes to wading through all of the digital bullshit, especially when we’re talking about influencers or other twentysomethings who share their “accountability hacks” from Burning Man, huddled around remote WiFi access points while tripping balls on the newest designer drug.

Hey, I’m all for enjoying the freedom that comes with working for yourself or becoming location independent, but I’d rather uncover and share the practical bits — the parts most people don’t enjoy showing — from the comfort of my home office (i.e. my kitchen table).

Before we go any further, I should start by saying when I use the word “accountability,” I’m referring to my priorities and goals for both my personal and professional life (and yes, I consider them to be two sides of the same…



Billy Frazier

Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same.