How to Say “Yes, Chef” During Your Next Creative Project

An argument for stealing from the kitchen

Billy Frazier
5 min readDec 7, 2022
Credit: Pexels

Smoke billows from the frying pan. A burning stench permeates our apartment. The smoke detector incessantly bleats from around the corner.

Am I guest-starring on an episode of Worst Cooks in America?

Nope! It’s just another weekday evening as I attempt to cook dinner.

More often than not, most attempts at cooking devolve into some version of the above thanks to one simple truth:

I’m inpatient as hell.

Instead of prepping the ingredients beforehand and organizing them into tiny, matching bowls, I tend to go with, “Fuck it!” and dive right in.

Some people have an innate ability to make this approach work in the kitchen. As you can now guess, I am not one of them.

As a young adult (I use that term very loosely) who freelanced right out of college, I used to take the same approach with both my client work and personal projects.

More often than not, I would immediately jump right into the “anything is possible” phase without giving anything else a second thought, shunning things like guidelines, constraints, or you know, an overall strategy.



Billy Frazier

Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same.