Life As A New Parent

It’s Not As Bad As I Thought…

Billy Frazier


I’ll never forget the day I became a parent.

My heart skipped a beat the moment I saw his little face, those big brown eyes peering up at me. He was even tinier than I had imagined, his little body wiggling from excitement.

In that moment, I realized nothing else mattered anymore.

Like plenty of couples our age, my fiancé and I had gone back and forth for months. After all, this wasn’t a “where-do-you-want-to-eat” decision — it was more along the lines of the“holy-shit-life-will-never-be-the-same” variety.

For those of you that have witnessed the miracle of life, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Before the plunge into parenthood, the only questions that occupy your time are:

  • Is this the best selfie for Tinder? (No)
  • Do I really need another shot of Fireball? (Hell no)
  • Did I forget to pay rent this month? (Of course you did)

Don’t feel bad, we’ve all been there. It’s all part of the road to discovery for every twentysomething.

However, the second you see your little angel’s face for the first time, these questions fade into nothingness.

Instead, an overwhelming sense of duty and purpose take over, forcing out any lingering thoughts of selfishness. From that moment on, your only purpose in life is to keep that little treasure alive.

I’ll admit, the first few days were unbearable, filled with sleepless nights, endless crying, and the occasional nervous breakdown.

And sure, summer travel plans have become a little trickier considering our friends are a little weary of becoming “Uncle Bob” and “Aunt Jess,” but we make do.

Honestly, the hardest part of being a parent is making sure our little angel doesn’t eat his own shit. You would think that after 6 months of…


Why do you look so confused? After all, this isn’t THAT weird. It’s actually a pretty common thing among new puppies…

William Frazier is a designer, writer, founder, and productive fumbler who blogs about making ideas happen at The Imperfectionist. He’s also on Twitter.



Billy Frazier

Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same.