Daily Thought: July 6, 2018

Billy Frazier
2 min readJul 6, 2018

If you’re like me, you spend hours on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat (and LinkedIn if you’re looking for a job).

When used correctly, social media is amazing. It allows us to connect with others who share our ideas and interests.

Personally, I try and use it in order to build communities around my work in a way that provides real value for others. This is a great goal to have, but honestly, I still rely on it a little too much, and I’m assuming I’m not the only one.

We’ve all forgotten that we’re humans. We’re social creatures that crave face-to-face connection with others and we need it in order to thrive.

Whether you’re looking for new opportunities or a new friend, in-person meetups can help spark a conversation that makes a difference and can shake up the monotony that creeps into everyday life.

I always leave these conversations with a fire under my ass which is why I want to try and meet someone in-person at least once a week.

If you’re not used to this, start small by setting up a coffee meeting once a month. It’s a great, low-pressure way to meet someone new.

Also, who doesn’t like coffee?

William Frazier is a designer, writer, and founder who blogs about making ideas happen at The Imperfectionist. You can find him on Twitter.



Billy Frazier

Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same. fumblingbook.com