Stop Using Users

Billy Frazier
4 min readNov 14, 2021

While freelancing during the past decade, I had my fair share of tough clients.

From swoop-and-poopers to nickel-and-dimers, I found myself contractually committed to some pretty frustrating people. Sure, working with bad clients is about as fun as watching Fifty Shades of Gray with your parents, but it’s part of the education you receive while going through the school of hard knocks.

If you ask me, bad clients pale in comparison to another insidious condition of the design industry. We all know that every discipline has its own set of overcomplicated buzzwords meant to hide the fact that many in that profession have no idea what the hell they’re talking about, but in this case, I’m talking about one tiny word.

This word has become bastardized beyond repair.

Not only has it been stripped of any meaning — it shouldn’t have been introduced in the first place.

Ready for the big reveal?


I know, I can be a little overdramatic, but can you blame me?

I understand why designers are obsessed with this word. It gives us a convenient label for the people who use the products and services we help design.

What else would you call them?



Billy Frazier

Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same.