Person sitting at a desk in front of three computers.
Credit: Pexels

This Is How I Got Into Tech

Without knowing how to code

Billy Frazier
5 min readOct 13, 2022


(Before we dive in, I want to acknowledge that my path has been made infinitely easier thanks to the privilege that comes with being a cis-gendered white guy in tech. This is exactly why I started How the Heck Do You Get Into Tech?)

I’ve been lucky enough to work in tech for over a decade now.

I’ve been a freelance experience designer, I started a tech company with a co-founder, and as of four years ago, I took my first full-time job as a tech consultant at a global firm.

The unusual part is that I did all of this despite knowing barely a single line of code.

This is why I’m stubborn when it comes to the idea that there is no one way to make the leap into tech. In order to to pull back the curtain and make it easier for others, I think it’s important for people to share their own stories.

Here’s the brief timeline behind mine:


  • I was obsessed with reading and drawing comics (i.e. pictures combined with words with the purpose of telling a story, which is basically graphic design, but with superheroes).


  • After an undeclared freshman year, I decided to major in Visual Communications (i.e. An…



Billy Frazier

Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same.