Credit: Pexels

You’re Never Too Old for This Sh!t

Billy Frazier
3 min readDec 3, 2021

I’m in my thirties.¹

Depending on who you talk to, some people think this is ancient and others think I’m in the prime of my life.

The more I think about it, the more I can’t help but notice a pattern:

Times where I feel young:

  • Playing drinking games with friends
  • Hanging out with friends from college
  • Dancing at a bar until 1 AM
  • Talking to young, successful people

Times where I feel old:

  • Playing drinking games with friends
  • Hanging out with friends from college
  • Dancing at a bar until 1 AM
  • Talking to young, successful people

Notice anything unusual?

It took me most of my twenties to realize your age doesn’t define you — how old you feel depends entirely on your perspective.²

I know — this isn’t anything revolutionary, but it does deserve a closer look.

After all, it’s hard not to feel this way when society is obsessed with success such at an early age.

Don’t believe me?



Billy Frazier

Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same.